Those strange words, flip flipping flop flopping are the jargon used for selling, or related to creating and then selling websites, as well as buying websites, making changes to them and then selling the websites on. Is that confusing, or not?
- Image by robert_peterson via Flickr
But, I love the idea of creating websites and then selling them for many reasons. It’s a simple way of earning money online.
1) You can create at least one blog a day.
2) You don’t have to worry about building a list.
3) You don’t have to worry about finding customers.
4) You can set the content to be delivered on autopilot.
5) You can monetarize on autopilot.
6) You can work to a proven system.
7) You can generate an income weekly or daily!
I am just going to create one now and tomorrow I’ll show you the result.
You’re probably wondering how I do it and I’ve got to be honest and tell you that I knew nothing about flip flipping flop flopping or selling websites until I joined the make money online membership.
Newbies, or noobys … whatever you want to call them … are people who are completely new to working on the internet – have created auto blogs and sold them within just weeks of being in the membership.
I wrote a document related to the questions and answers people ask and once you register and start building the auto blogs, just send me a private message in the forum and I’ll show you where that document is … plus help you along the path of creating auto blogs.
By the way,
Flip – I used to say that when I made a mistake … “Oh flip!”
Flipping – Yes, that’s used when flipping a coin. (Like the guys in the game above!)
Flop = that’s a BIG disaster!
Flopping – never used that word before in my whole life!
Selling – … Yes!
Now those words have different meanings altogether but they can lead to earning an income online, if a person takes action and follows the outline detailed in the membership.
If you want to flip flipping flop flopping or just plain create and sell websites, come and join me in the make money online membership.
Why not bookmark this site and come back tomorrow, to see what I have done with my flipping efforts
Tomorrow I’ll be earning money online – and you can see how!
Those strange words, flip flipping flop flopping and selling are all related to creating websites and selling them, or buying websites and making changes to them and then selling them on.
I love the idea of creating websites and then selling them for many reasons.
a) You can create at least one blog a day
b) You don’t have to worry about building a list
c) You don’t have to worry about finding customers
d) You can set the content to be delivered on autopilot
e) You can monetarize on autopilot
f) You can work to a proven system
g) You can generate an income weekly or daily!
I am just going to create one now and tomorrow I’ll show you the result.
You’re probably wondering how I do it and I’ve got to be honest and tell you that I knew nothing about flip flipping flop flopping or selling websites until I joined the make money online membership.
Newbies, or nubys … whatever you want to call them … but they are people who are completely new to working on the internet – have created auto blogs and being able to sell them within just weeks of being in the membership.
I wrote a document related to the questions and answers people ask and once you register and start building the auto blogs, just send me a private message in the forum and I’ll show you where that document is … plus help you along the path of creating auto blogs.
Flip – I used to say that when I made a mistake … “Oh flip!”
Flipping – used to use that word when flipping a coin.
Flop = that was a disaster!
Flopping – never used that before in my life
Selling – well of course, we all know that one!
Now those words have different meanings altogether and can lead to financial abundance and success working online.
If you want to flip flipping flop flopping or just plain create and sell websites, come and join me.