Les Brown – You Gotta Be Hungry
As Les Brown says … “You need a plan” … not a personal life coach in order to achieve your dreams.
Amazingly, we have all been gifted with our own free Personal Life Coach, who lives within!
Following is an article I wrote in 2008 and I keep seeing people in forums asking if they should get a personal coach and that’s why I have added the article here …
Hope it helps all those who think they need a coach!
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A personal life coach can guide you to reach your goals with lazer sharp focus, thus ensuring that you also reach them in the shortest possible time.
Have you ever wished you could afford to have a personal life coach or even wished that you could become a life coach?
The reality is that you already have one and that person is yourself!
To become totally organised in all areas of your life and to achieve the goals you set for yourself, you should start by asking yourself questions and following a simple plan.
The question is, where do you start with life coaching?
Step 1 - Purchase two pads, which are to be used entirely for your person life coaching.
The first pad, Pad 1, is the pad you will keep for years to come, so invest in a pad that is sturdy and one that you would like to own for a very long time.
Pad 2 can be a small cheap throw away type of pad.
Step 2 – Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
You could even put some of your favourite relaxing background music on while you do the following exercise. Sometimes it may be worth your while driving to a beauty spot where you will find peace and quiet and where you will not be disturbed, whilst you are writing your notes.
Step 3 – Allow at least ten minutes for each of the following tasks using Pad 1.
On one page write down all the things which need to be done now, no matter how small the tasks are! Just keep writing until you have cleared your head of all the things you need to do, to catch up with yourself.
Name this section of your pad - ‘To Do Now List‘ and leave several pages blank before you go to the next section.
Nearer the back of the pad, write a list of all the things you would love to have in your life.
Is it a new house?
On a separate page describe the type of house you want, the rooms, the garden, the furniture, colours and keep writing until you have exhausted every element of what you would like your new house to be like.
Is it travel?
Again on another page list all the places you want to visit. Do you want to start a new business, change your career, get out of debt, help your family, buy a boat, etc.?
Just keep on listing all the changes you want in your life and describe them fully.
The most important element of this exercise is that you do not allow negative thoughts to enter your head.
Head this section your ‘Dreams And Goals List’.
Next, move onto another section in your pad and write down when you would like to have these things.
Do you want to move into your new house or villa in 2 years, do you want to start your new career in six months or do you want to travel in six months?
This section shoud be headed the ‘Timescale List’.
Again move on to another section and here, write down how these changes would make a difference to your life, your family’s lives and how it would change the community as a whole.
Head this section your ‘Benefits List’.
Keep asking yourself questions and writing down your answers.
Again, don’t let any negative thoughts come into this exercise whatsoever, because there is so much abundance in the world that there is more than enough for everyone.
Step 4 – As soon as the first task has been completed, using Pad 1, you should now start using Pad 2 with the following task.
Go back to your ‘To Do Now List’ in Pad 1 and prioritise the first five items on your list that you should do.
List the first item on a blank sheet on Pad No.2 and then write down the benefits of having achieved this task. Do this first task and then repeat the process until you have completed each prioritised task. As soon as the tasks have been achieved, then you just have to return to your list and prioritise the next five off your list.
Step 5 – Keep Pad 1 in a special place so that you can keep referring to your dreams and goals three times on a daily basis. This is extremely important to the outcome of your goals entirely because we get so busy with other areas of our lives and forget where we are heading on a daily basis. You may even find it more useful to use a folder, so that you can add and delete pages easily.
Use this strategy daily for all your all needs, to get out of debt, to live a fantastic new life, to follow all your dreams and you will never need to pay for a personal life coach.
Once you have achieved your goals and are confident that you can do it again and again, you could take this a step further to help others to become more organised and achieve their dreams in life!
Now, I am going to back track slightly because there may be something holding you back and then this is when you really do need to shift the mental block that is playing with your mind. For the first time in my life, I have decided to get mentoring to help me to stop ‘shooting myself in the foot’ and I am so grateful that I found this program because since I started, I have achieved an understanding as to why I stop myself being ultra successful … and am now on the road to freedom in all areas of my life. Check out the free video so that you can also clear any mental block which may be harbouring your success too.