Three Quick Ways To Save In Your Online Business
An internet marketing article by Willie Crawford
Running an online business means that you will have business expenses just as in any other type of business. Often those starting online businesses don’t have as much start-up capital as someone starting an offline business, and that’s part of why they chose the online route. To them, there are times when every penny counts.
Here are three quick and easy ways to save a few pennies and free up some fund that you may be able to reinvest back into growing your business.
1) Use Skype for your long-distance telephone needs.
Skype is an Internet-based telephone service that is owned by the same people who own Ebay and Paypal. That tells you that this company has serious backing, and will be around for a long time.
Skype allows you to download a simple piece of free software, and then call anyone anywhere in the world that has an internet connection, and has also installed the free Skype software on their computer. You simply use a microphone plugged into your computer and listen over the speakers or a headset.
For just pennies per minute you can also use the enhanced Skype services that allow you to make calls from Skype to regular “landlines” or to receive calls on your computer from regular phones. As an example, I recently made an 80-minute phone call from my hotel room in Singapore to the U.S. for under $2.
This call would have probably costs me several hundred dollars had I used the hotels phone system and paid their exorbitant service charges. You can get all of the details on downloading, installing
and using Skype from their website at:
2) Use Self to semi-automatically submit your websites to all of the major search engines and important directories.
This free service speeds up the process of site submission, allows you to store your data and periodically resubmit, and provides direct links to the proper pages on the search engines (included the ones that have gone to paid-only inclusion).
This service is free, but when you make a small donation to help fund the site, you get access to a fantastic suite of bonus tools. I’ve found the extra tools a real time-saver.
You can get all of the details at
3) Pay for your business purchases with a Paypal debit card.
If you are in a location where you can qualify for and use a Paypal account and debit card, use it for you business purchases. Certain purchases qualify for a cash-back credit.
On large purchases such as computers, pay-per-click advertising, and airline tickets, this can quickly add up.
Since many online customers do have Paypal accounts and prefer paying for purchases using those accounts, you should offer that as a payment option. By paying for your purchases with your Paypal debit card, you get a little rebate on your purchases.
To get all of the details and sign up for a Papal account visit:
Those are just three quick, easy to implement methods of saving some money in your online business. If your business is just getting started those little savings, reinvested in your business, could be what saves your businesses from failure!
Willie Crawford has taught thousands how to build successful online businesses since late-1996. His membership site contains over 40 interviews of leading online marketers sharing their views on “How To Break Into The Internet Marketing Inner Circle.”
You can access those powerful and shocking interviews at: